분류 전체보기180 내돈내산리얼클래스 [타일러x초보 첫걸음 애니메이션] 6월 5일 학습일기 📖오늘 배운 표현 1.come 1) comming [가고있다] -I'm comming. -Are you comming? -I'm comming gome. 2) come in/come out [들어오다/나오다] -Can I come in? -I'm coming in. -I'm coming out 3) come over [놀러오다] -Wanna come over? -You wanna come over on the seekend? 2.go 1) I'm going to~ -I'm going to school. -Are you going? I'm going. I'm going home. 2)Where did you go? [어디 갔었어?] -I went ~ [~갔었어.] -I went to the store. 3.. 2023. 6. 5. 내돈내산리얼클래스 [타일러x초보 첫걸음 애니메이션] 6월 4일 학습일기 📖오늘 배운 표현 1.Try ~ 1) try ~ -Try this. -try these. 2)Can I try~? -Can I try one? -Can I try some? -Can I try that? 2)try on -Can I try it on? -Can I try that on? 2. worry 1) I'm worried~ -I'm worrid. -He's worried. -You're worried. -I'mworried about ~ -I'm worried about you. 2) Don't worry about~ -Don't worry. -Don't worry about me. -Don't worry about him. -Don't worry about that. 📖 오늘 마음에 드는 문장!.. 2023. 6. 4. 내돈내산리얼클래스 [타일러x초보 첫걸음 애니메이션] 6월 3일 학습일기 오늘 배운 표현📖 1.wait 1) 사람이 기다리는 것 -Can you wait? -Can you wait for a~? -Can you wait for an hour? -Can you wait for a sec? -Can you wait for a day? -Wait a ~ -Wait a sec. -Wait a moment. -I'll wait. -I can't wait. -I can't wait! (기대된다!) 2) 일이 기다리는 것 Can it wait? It can wait. It can't wait. 2.put 1) Put it~ -Put it here. -Put it down. -Put it in here. 2)You can put it~ -You can put it~ -You can put .. 2023. 6. 3. 내돈내산리얼클래스 [타일러x초보 첫걸음 애니메이션] 6월 2일 학습일기 오늘 배운 표현 1.hang out 📖 놀자고 제안하기 - Wanna hang out? - Let's hang out. - Let's hang out with ~ - Wanna hang out after school? - Let's hang out after school. - Let's hang out sometime. 📖놀고 있다고 말하기 - We're just hanging out. - We're hanging out at ~ - We're hanging out at school. - We're hanging out at the gym. - I'm hanging out with ~ - I'm hanging out with Tyler. 2. help 📖 도와주겠다고 제안하기 - Can I help? -.. 2023. 6. 2. 이전 1 ··· 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 ··· 45 다음